One of the best EA LOTR's games since ROTK
2 April 2009
i saw one review on this game that is negative and since i feel that was way too unfair and harsh of a review, i thought i'd write one that is more fair to the game since i thought it was pretty Darn great in this EA's line of LOTR's based games. i hadn't even known they were making a new Lord of the Rings video game this year, but i happen to be looking at some strategy guides and came across one for a newer LOTR's game i wasn't aware of. so i almost immediately went out and got a copy. if anyone has played star wars:battlefront, its almost the same with some minor changes. but since i loved that game as well, its not bad thing in this game either. you get to do so many things you only wished you could do in the other LOTR's games, like ride horses (and attack on horses too!) play as all the heroes, walk where ever you want in a super gorgeously detailed environments, and play almost all the big battles from the films. the game starts out with the battle of helms deep and goes from there, even to some places you never get to see in the films. its loads of fun, and superbly detailed which one who has played the other LOTR's games as come to expect from these games. Then you have the evil campaign....wow. i have never played the bad guys in middle-earth before but it was awesome. its similar to the way you play as the good guys except your playing as orcs. and let me tell you, you MUST play the game in this mode along with the good guy mode to get the full game experience. if you play the game in only good guy mode, your missing half the game! i didn't realize it, but you play ALL new l;levels in evil mode and let me tell you, they are breathtaking. playing on places like weather top and omg, the citadel of minas tirith, wow!! it was actually breathtaking, you can feel the hugeness of it, like your really there! and one place you battle in i was pretty shocked at...the shire! aww you have to kill those poor little hobbits! thats the point in the game i wish i coulda been the good guys! that was really the only drawback i had after playing the evil mode, i wished that i could play the good guys in these levels. technically you can, if you play on instant action. anyway, i cannot tell you how much fun i had playing in these famous film environments, it was so much fun! in short (i know, too late!), i had a blast. extremely fun and great game for anyone who is a LOTR's fan.
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