Review of Bhoot

Bhoot (2003)
It's creepy alright!
11 April 2009
This movie definitely has a very creepy setting. What works on you is that its not a haunted mansion setting, but a local apartment in Mumbai, one which you could be renting right now. Add some creepy looking doll and eerie music, you're most likely going to grab the next person sitting next to you and cry to be released. But! this intense thriller, horror remains only in the first half of the movie. The second half, although I'm not going to make any specific remarks, ( want you to find out for yourself) tries to remake some of the earlier Hollywood movies and it sort of takes your attention off of the whole movie. That's when the movie's originality begins to slide and fail.

They should have done something different, but most horror genres have this habit of screwing up some portion of the movie. But let me warn you, this movie is certainly NOT for kids. If you cannot withstand watching supernatural horror, please don't watch this one, it might really grip you tight for a few weeks, or even months maybe!
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