Not excruciatingly painful as we expected
11 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
My friend Destiny texted me yesterday and asked if I wanted to see this movie. I was bored, and had nothing better to do, so I went. Upon arriving at the theater, I noticed about 84% of the audience was under 10/a parent with a child under 10. About 14% were teenagers (like us) and the other 2% were creepy middle aged people. That being said, I did not have high expectations.

It opened with a stampede to a Hannah Montanna concert followed by Miley Cyrus and her little friend stealing a security cart. "Haha," we said. "How unfunny."

The only characters we like were the creepy reporter guy and of course the hot cowboy.

We could NOT stop laughing at the stereotypical way southern farms/families were presented. We live in a very rural part of Texas, and I live on a farm, but my whole family doesn't gather in the living room to sing.

Also the cowboy's chicken coop was really awesome. It had an EGG for a door. AN EGG PEOPLE!

Anyway, we give it 5/10 for some funny parts and the hot cowboy.
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