Less violent, More bloody
12 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
New Fist of the North star is another entry in the series. It is hard to say when it takes place, but it doesn't matter. The series delivers the same action just cleaner and not silhouetted or blurred. All the deaths are shown in full gory detail. However, few of Kenshiro's head explosions are here.

The story this time around follows Kenshiro trying to save a village from a tyrannical ruler. After defeating him, he goes to get medicine for an ill child the ruler used to control the citizens. The son of the ruler comes and takes over while Ken is gone. Kenshiro returns and must defeat the son. Kenshiro defeats him the same way he beat Raoh and Kaoh from the series. Fight a little then talk a little, etc. Bad guy then kills himself after coming to a realization. Even worse, the cause of the realization comes from nowhere, and it isn't even good enough to justify suicide. Basically, the story is bad, but everyone is here for the violence.

Two changes that I like are the animation and theme music. The animation is lot cleaner due to the time. The theme music, done by Japanese superstar Gackt, is now more rock, not that terrible 80s pop stuff.

In the end, I give this a 6/10 for what little violence there is. I only recommend this series to Fist of the North Star fans. Other people should just watch the movie or original series.
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