Review of Hierarchy

Hierarchy (2009)
Interesting, if flawed drama with some amazing standout scenes/performances.
13 April 2009
After the brilliant 'Xenobites', I have to admit that I craved to see plenty of squibs and five hour shootouts from the Wild Dogs label. However when I heard about Hierarchy, I can't say I wasn't excited. In fact, I had high expectations for this film especially considering the few professional actors involved (Brett Halsey, Rusty Meyers, and Robert Amstler), not to mention a cameo by porn star Molinee Green. Overall, the film is quite enjoyable though not as overly entertaining as 'A Bird in the Bush' or 'Xenobites'.

Split up into three different stories, Hierarchy tells the tale of a washed up boxer, an up-and-coming writer, and a struggling businessman. I have to say the screenwriter segment is my favorite solely for the scenes with Jeff (and I'm not just kissing Fredianelli's ass by saying it, but these are truly the best scenes in the movie). The best scene in this segment has to be Jeff's confrontation with Rusty Meyers. Meyers gives a great performance and has by far the best dialog in the movie. That said, other classic scenes include a hilarious Shakespeare monologue rehearsal, Molinee Green's cameo (for obvious reasons), and a scene featuring Brett Halsey as a Catholic priest. Halsey's scene is near perfect save for the whole "you people" exchange that I've heard used about 5670091 times (most notably in the 'Tropic Thunder' trailer).

Overall Hierarchy is a good film. My only real complaint are that some scenes (especially those with the three lead actresses) felt a little cheesy at times, almost bordering on chick flick/soap opera territory. I did find the ending somewhat disappointing, though I figured it was supposed to be. Still, I wish the film was a little more satisfying.
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