Beyond Good & Evil (2003 Video Game)
Jade is the next big video game heroine.
28 May 2009
In an alternate world and time period. There was a planet called Hillys where humans, anthropomorphic animals, aliens, and robotic species co-exist with each other in one community. The whole planet is under a war against an alien race race called the DomZ. They invade the atmosphere of the planet and abduct countless civilians to drain their life forces for their own or implant spores into the victims which turns them into obedient creatures for the DomZ. A military force called the Alpha Sections has for sometime help defend the planet the planet from these extratrestials. They are praise by the public as national heroes.

The story revolves on Jade, a tomboy photographer who lost her own parents when she was young. She lives on a lighthouse island with her legal guardian Pey'j, a pig mechanic who looks after several other orphans whose parents got taken away by the DomZ. One day Jade was doing yoga right until a group a DomZ was heading for the lighthouse. She heads for the home security switch which activates the "Anti DomZ" shield. But it immediately lost power due to the electrical bill not being paid off. The group of DomZ attack the Lighthouse, and soon after the attack the Alpha Sections came in time to rescue Jade and Pey'j who were trap inside the newly made pit that was cause by the impact of the DomZ that landed there.

After the incident, Jade got a message from a magazine company that will pay her if she is able to take pictures of all the existing animals on Hillys. This was perfect for her to repay the electrical bill for the lighthouse's electricity. Eventually Jade will end up questioning on whether the Alpha Sections is truly the saviors they claim to be or not. As according to Pey'j they don't always comes in the nic of time whenever the DomZ attack. What kind of secrets is the Alpha Sections holding? This game came out in 2003, and it was one of my Christmas presents too. I got the game cause it really looked cool with the heroine being the main protagonist and containing a stealth action plot to the game. With a lot of fighting sequences, aliens, and sneaking around military territories. The game also had a rich environment to it as well.

The down side is this game didn't get the best sales as predicted. Probably because it was release in stores during the wrong time when Ubisoft release two other games that out sold more copies than it did. However the game receive a lot of good reviews on the internet from those who played it. I completely agree that this was one of the best games of 2003.

I admit that the game wasn't too long, but the story, characters, and environment is what saved the game from being bad. For years I've been defending my own opinion on how awesome this game is. If people at least give it a chance they would know what the whole big deal is about. Just cause a game had poor sales doesn't always mean the game itself is bad to play.

Also look out for the upcoming sequel that's been said to have better advertisement and long game play.
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