Unseen Evil 2 (2004 Video)
The Stupidest Funniest Movie on the Planet
14 July 2009
I am rating this a 10 because of how stupid this movie was. I can't even believe the director wasted his time putting together such a dumb and movie (which they put in the horror genre XD)so that my friend and I could laugh at it the whole way through!!!! First, the dudes are in the cave at the beginning. The alien changes from the form of a spider to the form of a....gorilla. The guy gets torn, and you see his - lets move on.

Secondly, the surviving army dude who's running back to the chopper from the cave gets torn and thrown in a distance with a trail of blood flying behind him. We laughed so hard cause it looked like a grape getting squished and flying over the hill!!! LMFAO!!!! There is so much more to make fun of, but the other part we especially laughed at was when the Alien 3000 jumped onto the front of the helicopter and was turning his head side to side. That was so funny, I can't understand how the director would think that that would be a scary effect.

One more thing. The blood in the first half of the movie looked pretty real, but in the second half, when people were getting stabbed and stuff, purplish black blood would spill out of their mouths! I couldn't stop laughing! Hahahahaha! The director probably said: "Since our alien for this movie is sooooooooooooooo good, we shouldn't waste any more money on fake blood. Go get the grape jelly from the fridge." ROFLMFAO!!!!!!!
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