Infantile and Moronic Spanish version of Herbie the LoveBug
20 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Low Bottom Feeder final sequel to the Herbie the Love Bug series, the Spanish version albeit. This was playing on Turner Classic Movies channel yesterday and I still can't figure out how it got on there in the first place. Certainly not a classic but the exact opposite -total bomb. Even the title is stupid,the car goes bananas in every movie it's in however there is a scene in which Herbie is covered in bananas but it takes place near the end of the movie and lasts about 5 minutes. The plot involves a very irritating young Mexican boy ,bumbling crooks, a desperate pathetic Helen Roper type love starved slut played by Cloris Leachman and her niece, a goofy ships captain and two young typical guys who want to race the car. The young Mexican boy befriends Herbie who by the way never gets called Herbie except for one time in the beginning of the movie. The cars number is 53 so of course in Spanish 53 always means 5+3 ,stupid. Now we have the very irritating boy yelling ocho(Spanish for 8 at least 200 times in the movie). Come on ocho , ocho ocho. Good god I wanted to sew his lips shut. They race around the world on cruise ships and through ghetto South America , with Cloris Leachman trying to get into Harvey Korman's pants in these stupid subplot scenes which have nothing to do with the main plot of the movie and this is a Disney flick?. It gets even worse, why do some people think the bull fighting scene is funny etc, it's very stupid with the car holding a cape in its hood and driving around backwards with the bull chasing it ,meanwhile the people inside yell and scream and the kid yells toro ocho toro ocho ,, how can i keep watching. The kid also plays taxi driver and becomes the race car driver too , oh sure yeah ,disney was on something for this movie- most kids i watched it with when i was young were probably bored. In the end , a very bad irritating finale to the series. Harvey Korman is wasted in a role so beneath him its sick, he is like a stupid Captain Stubing love boat style with the worst most unfunny dialog(the writers should have been shot for the preschool humor), the rest of the cast chews scenery and the stupid horny Cloris Leachman overacting every time she looks Kormans way as if she thinks Korman would want anything to do with her gross come-ons. I've never liked her in anything shes been in, shes a terrible actress, how she won awards who knows.

After the final scene ,we get treated to a very syrupy irritating ending song about friendship complete with a Spanish word thrown in every few verses like i bet you a banana mañana ,charro, amigo etc. Is this Spanglish? Oh and did i mention the above bananas are also sold by the kid to passersby, yeah id like to buy bananas that were touching a smelly rusty car and the fact they drove 600 miles in the hot sun with the bananas on the outside of the car. these little sub-scenes added no doubt to amuse small children and annoy parents. I wouldn't recommend this movie to anyone unless you want to turn your kids into numb minded dregs. Of course this may keep your 3 y/o amused for ten minutes while you run to the video store to shoot the owners for carrying this movie.
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