Lost Bullet (2007)
31 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I love David Carradine, I really do. Why else would I have watched this film? It is so painful to watch Carradine, once again, waste his talent in a low budget movie with a nothing script. There is only one thing worse-seeing Carradine waste his talent is a low budget nothing movie in a foreign language. Apparently they do things different in Spain, as they let the main character, Daniel, out of jail for his mothers funeral. During his furlough he kidnaps his son and takes him to a movie set where a western is being shot with a "famous" American star (David Carradine). Why on Earth Spain was chosen as a location for an American Western with an English speaking American actor really is never explained. If you have ignored this absurdity and made it to the end of the film you will see that Daniel's son finds that he admires the American actor far more than his own father. Sensing this, Carradine's character, Michael Morrison, stages a fight with Daniel, designed to demonstrate his physical superiority over the septuagenarian actor. It was cute in a "Miracle at Sage Creek" sort of way. One big loose end-Why don't the Spanish authorities ever realize that Daniel has not returned to jail and go after him? Aside from the obvious father-son jealously thing I have described, I really did not understand any other plot lines in the movie. Did Daniel get back with his wife? If so, what of the girl that he has been developing a relationship with throughout the movie? Will he go back to jail? What was the significance of the "family book"? Who knows? Maybe there will be a sequel and all this will be explained, but don't suffocate while holding your breath waiting for it.
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