What is it about?
1 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Seeing the recent 2009 sci-fi movie Moon, reminded me of this movie which also has Mooon in the title. I'm giving this a 5 rating because it's a Canadian movie, set in my favorite city of Montreal. I saw this movie when it was released and there were two others in the theater including me. After it ended we all looked at each other, and simply shrugged as we were so confused about what the movie was even about. It was one of the few times I've spoken about a movie to total strangers spontaneously after seeing it. Apparently it was a play adapted to a movie setting, yet the special effects were too cheesy, like the rope moving the moon across the scene was visible. Also the main character of this movie is just not a good-looking man, and for one of the twins he plays he looks extremely bad. This bad-looking twin is unfortunately the star of this movie and he wasn't a sympathetic character. He is working on his master's and works as a telemarketer, and is miserable. This movie was too disjointed, or maybe I don't get the philosophical message underlying it. I just saw someone miserable who is perfectly willing to stay miserable and avoids positive change. I whole-heartedly support Canadian films, yet this is the worst Canadian film I've ever seen. (And that is saying a lot, as there are many mediocre Canadian films.)
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