Fine film in the genre
14 September 2009
The most insane martial arts film from America incorporates an albino terrorist leader's plot to kill president George WH Bush. In classical Hong Kong style, Blood Brothers bares no connection to previous NRNS-series instalments, apart from sheer wackiness, creative dance-like use of violence and a tacked-on cold-war nationalism verging on parody. One of the great screen fighters, Loren Avedon, was brought into the series to replace Kurt McKiney, who broke his contract to return in the sequels. But these mishaps didn't stop the strange phenomena of this movie series getting better with every sequel. Seasonal film's Hong Kong production on American soil brought truly daring and dangerous fight sequences to VHS. The other "blood brother" and truly joyous cinematic ham Keith Vitali, had a plaster-cast on his arm for the first few scenes because he genuinely broke it during filming. Scenery is chewed and successfully digested by bleached blond and English-accented Rion Hunter as the leader of a strange gang of king-fu fighting communist terrorists. This all leads to the assassination plot of George Bush senior, incorporating real footage of the president, which along with strange moments of text used on a blank screen, constitutes the most unlikely tribute to Jean-Luc Godard in cinema. Cheesy quotable dialogue and severe bone-crunching where it counts, NRNS 3: Blood Brothers is among the very cream of B-cinema and wildly enjoyable.
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