Review of Carmel

Carmel (2009)
my thoughts, even though I fell asleep and left early
21 September 2009
I saw this at TIFF09. It was absolutely terrible! The opening was a lower-than-History Channel-quality war sequence with warriors looking like they were laughing, with lame images superimposed on top and a woman reciting a poem in French for some reason.

I have no idea what this film was about. The scenes were long and mostly single-takes. One of the first was really good, showing soldiers who clearly didn't give a sh*t. The next was of two men having two distinctly different conversations at the same time, each on his own, but talking to each other.

Then I awoke to another terrible war scene, but the soundtrack sounded like he had pressed the "play demo" key on a crappy 80's synthesizer. That is when I left, and I was far from the first to do so.
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