The Blandville Monster
25 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was one thing. extraordinarily bland. movie number 27 on the countdown of 50 Chilling Classics and once again, a bore. Well, at least it wasn't as painful as the last one on the list. But oh well, i guess i better tell you what it's about.

This girl comes back from college with her two friends, (both from America)and they return to the house to find that since she's been away so long, all the staff has changed and her brother is there to welcome her back. it was said that her father, owner of the blanchville estate died in a fire. During this, she falls in love with the American guy, but during the night she's visited by her supposedly dead father who tells her to go to a tomb and die.

We find out this is because there is a prophecy on an old tombstone that says if she's allowed to live to 21, then the blanchville estate will collapse. Supposedly the father isn't dead and he's a burned crazy guy running around trying to hypnotize the girl to walk into a tomb. Something i don't understand about this movie is the fact that, if he wants to kill her, why doesn't he just....oh i don't know, stab her while she's sleeping? and for that matter, why'd he wait until 2 days before she turned 21 to kill her? that doesn't make any sense! Long story short, nobody trusts anybody, they all run around like chicken's with their heads cut off, they think the girl died, so they put her in a coffin behind solid granite which she later....leaves. i don't know how because they never showed it, but she kind of just ignores being trapped and decides to come out. Turns out the killer isn't her father, but her brother in a halloween mask. and then he backs up and falls into a well because he fails...at everything.

for being a horror movie, this movie has a whopping body count of TWO. whoo boy. watch out! This movie takes too long to do anything, is quite dull, and you really don't care for ANY of these characters. If i had to watch it again, i wouldn't explode, but i wouldn't pop it in for fun anytime soon. The Blanchville monster gets 3 bad black and white looking effects, out of 10.
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