Deadly Breed (1989)
DON'T rent this, buy it, glance at it... I'm warning you
11 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I adore bad movies, love trashy b-grade flicks with bad acting, editing, directing, writing... the works.

This movie is almost unwatchable for how bad it is...

I got through it... but barely.

Acting - 1 Directing - 1 Story - 1 Hair -1

Nothing makes much sense.

police are killing non whites to cleanse the city... but they have an army of like 10 guys... the leader... a cop... kills 3 of his own men so he knocks off 30 percent himself....

no one shows emotion here... loved ones are killed, friends are traitors... and nothing but rock like reactions...

tons of reactions shots without reactions... just shots of people listening to another person. it's almost funny.

one name actor in it... Williams smith but he's in the same room for every scene he's in. probably shot in one day.

amateur on all levels. If it were shot on film then at least it could be more bearable but it's shot on video or something.

really... do not rent this thing
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