Comic Book: The Movie (2004 Video)
A winner
14 October 2009
The voice artists and comic book nerds strike back at the critics and studio CEOs in "Comic Book: The Movie" which is a bright and inventive mockumentary from first time director Mark Hamill.

The story concerns Don Swan (played by Hamill) as he travels to the San Diego Comic-Con convention in order to make a documentary about his favorite superhero, soon to be rebooted as a modern day anti-terrorist.

What can you say about such a superb film? Well, it's very well-made (you almost feel as if your there) and the acting is just great with Tom Kenny as the stand-out but that's not to slight this great cast which also includes Jess Harnell, David Prowse and Jim Cmmings. The cast is just unbeatable. The scenery also adds a nice, surreal tone to the whole thing. I had fun just gazing at all the pop culture icons walking around Hamill and his fellow actors.

However, it does lose steam in it's last eight minutes. I can't help but feel that they lost confidence and abandoned the format that had served them so well for the bulk of the film. But that minor quibble barely puts a dent in this light and funny film. This is a winner above and beyond.
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