Original Comedy
21 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This show is definitely one of my top favorite TV shows of all time. I was honestly very skeptical at first. I was bored that night that it premiered, with nothing else to do, and thought to myself, "What the H***, might as well watch..." Extremely funny. Each episode is split into two minisodes.

The show stars you as the main character. Which I love how they incorporate you. Every conversation is one-sided, and at the moment where you feel you should answer, it moves to the next scene. From time to time you receive text and video messages from your friends.

Also starring are your two best friends, Sam and Phil, along with your ex Mandy and the girl your hiding from your ex, Jessica.

Sam and Phil are constantly coming up schemes and scams to get rich and get women. Throughout the show we see their viral videos which have a humor of they're own. Sam is a little more awkward with women than Phil.

Mandy, the psycho ex girlfriend is, although attractive, consistently displaying a slight split personality. One moment she is obsessed with you and the next she hates you. The very next moment after that, is having make up sex with you. For some reason, you continue to see her, she doesn't give you much of a choice mind you. Sam and Phil acknowledge her attractiveness and the fact that she is good in the sack, but dislike her for the most part. From snooping through your emails, tracking the GPS on your phone, or just plain stalking you, Mandy is an essential plot to the show. Besides her horrendous dancing, she is a model by trade consistently trying to make it in the world.

Jessica. In my opinion the most amazing female character in media today. She is not afraid of being herself, and is admired by everyone on the show other than the psycho ex. She is an outgoing person that loves outdoor activities to include but not limited to, hiking and kickball. She also enjoys playing pool, drinking, playing video games, and fantasy football. Sam and Phil especially like her due to her involvement in many schemes on the show. She has a lesbian roommate and best friend. She is from time to time hidden from your ex due to your ex's hostility toward women that are around you. It is obvious that she has feelings for you, and the feelings are reciprocated, however she also has a boyfriend. And if there is one thing I don't like, it's boyfriends that aren't me. This is a girl that I would definitely take to Vegas for a first date.

The many women that appear as extras are obviously attracted to you, and from time to time you get their numbers and hook up. I am looking forward to seeing more about the Extremely attractive Neighbor girl, Martina.

I can easily watch this show over and over due to how much my life can relate to the show. Everyhing stops when the show comes on and no one is allowed to disturb me. I am typically laughing throughout the entire show, and I feel that the show is genius. Can't wait until next Wednsday.
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