Review of Trauma

Trauma (2009–2010)
I wanted more, i was hoping for more
3 November 2009
Well i am a big fan of medical TV Series, i watched 9 seasons of E.R. which is still one of my favorites because it's the most realistic one i know. I watched all of House's Episodes because the characters are very well played and it doesn't matter that the medical plot isn't always as accurate, at least the procedures are done right. I watched Nip Tuck, because the first season, the make-up&masks in the surgeries were totally awesome, the character story was funny too, sadly the good medical side has gone worse, i don't think i can watch this any longer. And then there are my 2 soaps "Greys and Private Practice", GA started very nice, but then became worse since season 3, it wasn't all that accurate from the beginning, but it became worse, in addition the characters made such incomprehensible moves, that makes you think you're in a satire, the only reason i still watch is, because the soundtrack still is great and when i face medical clichés in my patient i know where they get it from. PP doesn't run this long and has a greater focus on the characters and ethical dilemmas, which is good because then you can't mess up the medicine like in GA.

So except from House i wanted a new series with good cases, good characters and Emergency Medicine, i was psyched to see this.

But i can say EVERY second was bad, i don't know where to start, let's make a list: Medical procedures? CPR with one hand because it looks cool? No it doesn't, administering the wrong medicine, why? - Sex in an ambulance? Yes, but not on duty! - Beer on duty, WTF? - Every character gets introduced, 2 helicopter crash (i thought the pilot was such an awesome dude ...) and there are survivors? Are you kidding me?

These shows are supposed to show Medical PROFESSIONALS, at least they try to tell you this, but all you see are pretty people who don't know their head from their ass. I really don't know why they have take every realism out of this series, emergency medicine is a rush, you don't need to push it up with ridiculous plots, actions. Realism makes medical series better, not worse. I don't know why writers don't get that.

Let's hope for the next medical show :)
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