What you need to know about this show...
8 November 2009
Rob has done it again.

I started watching Rob & Big two years ago. I had seen clips of episodes before and wondered (like the Wall Street Journal once did) who is this C-list celebrity and how did he get a show on MTV. I believe my man-crush began like any other, on a day full of boredom and endless reruns of Rob & Big. I decided to give the show a serious watch all the way through. By the end of one episode, I was intrigued to see another. I couldn't understand how some random dude could have enough material for a season. Several episodes later, I realized the energy behind Mr. Dyrdek is one of a kind; plus, Big Black brings a welcomed balance to the show. I cannot deny the sometimes ridiculously staged appearance of the main plot, however the raw chemistry between the two stars--found in Rob D. and Big Black--really solidified the content and extreme hilarity from show to show.

Rob's energy and innovative spirit has not waned in the creation of Fantasy Factory. He still produces laughs that I record to later show my friends. You'll find yourself unable to guess what he can come up with next, whether it's having his father fart in lieu of a confiscated fart machine or dressing as the Carl's Jr. star or even performing as Bobby Light before an audience awaiting Blink-182. It is this very energy coupled with quick wit that keeps the interest of his viewership.

You can think the show is staged or odd or what-have-you. But you cannot deny the uniqueness this show offers in an extremely insipid lineup found on MTV these days. If this show isn't for you, I suggest you stick with The Hills--Heidi and Spencer will appreciate your patronage.

(I give this 10 points to balance out the negativity of a certain other reviewer who obviously has his/her panties in a wad...)
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