A Christmas Wish (1950) **1/2
9 December 2009
Originally known as THE GREAT RUPERT, this is a charming tale about a talented squirrel (that would be Rupert) who lives in the attic of a down and out family of struggling vaudevillians, and who accidentally helps them gain wealth and prosperity during the Christmas season. The vigorous Jimmy Durante is a lot of fun to watch as the well-meaning father who sings, and he's got a couple of silly "so bad they're funny" lines that made me laugh, though it's too bad he wasn't given more. Terry Moore (MIGHTY JOE YOUNG) is his young daughter who falls for Tom Drake (MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS). This is a somewhat charming, if not great, family film to watch for the holidays. Rupert the Squirrel is brought to life via George Pal's animation. **1/2 out of ****
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