Better than expected until the final moments.
20 December 2009
Sarah having escaped the caves with no memory of the events that took place has to go back into the caves with a team of rescuers to find out what happened to her friends.

This is a totally unnecessary sequel to the the brilliant Descent. In fact, for this sequel to work the film-makers have removed the ending from the UK version and gone with the US ending. I've not seen how that version ends, but was prepared to go with the decision for this movie.

Jon Harris, who edited the original movie has made a decent job of directing the follow-up. He manages to create tension in places, and stages some impressive attacks by the creatures. The attacks are probably more bloody that they were in the first but that's not a problem at all.

The cast, led by Shauna Macdonald as Sarah are all pretty good. There is a nice touch where video is found of the characters from the original movie, and I understand they were all brought back for this. As I said, a nice little touch. It's not as scary as the original even though it does have some good shocks in it, and the new characters aren't as well developed as they were in the original but get enough time to make you care for what happens to them. It also manages to bring closure to the events of the first movie in a touching and slightly moving way.

It is disappointing then to say that for all the good work in the movie, it is let down by a frankly ridiculous and nonsensical twist in the final moments that makes no sense at all. There are 3 screenwriters credited with the script, and I'm not sure which one came up with this twist but it should have been removed.

It turns what would have been a surprisingly good follow-up into potentially another movie franchise, which is wrong.
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