Castle: Flowers for Your Grave (2009)
Season 1, Episode 1
Excellent entertainment...a definitely must watch!
4 February 2010
At the end of watching anything I ask myself, was I entertained? And the answer in this case was yes! Absolutely! I loved it!

Castle is the story of Rick Castle and Kate Beckett. Castle is a famous novelist and he's "hired" as a consultant in order to deal with murder cases. This develops into some real comedy and interesting chemistry between the lead characters, not to mention some interesting plot twists in later episodes. There's a hint of unbelievability to the show but not in a bad way. It's like a good mystery novel. In this way, Castle is different from typical crime shows like CSI, Bones etc. But I do think that this is part of the appeal. Perhaps I've got a little tired from all that forensics and science.

I must say that I've been starved of some Nathan Fillon. I thought he was brilliant in Firefly, a show that was also immensely entertaining to the audience, but underrated by the powers that be (Fox, I'm looking at you, shame on you). He is definitely a one-of-a-kind actor and he really carries this show with his wry humor and observations. I was hit by a wave of nostalgia with his familiar style. I want to see more. Much much more.

So far so good! Castle kicks off, not with a bang, but with steady assurance.

To Firefly fans I say watch out! Nathan Fillon is back. Coolness personified!
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