Repeated Viewings Explain The Plot More Clearly
10 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I'm currently watching this episode of Columbo again and have noticed several small clues along the way that seem to explain some queries about the murder.

Shera Danese's character unwittingly helped Dabney Coleman's attorney commit the murder by taking part in some "research". We don't know specifically what research she was carrying out, but clearly it involved wearing a mask and driving past a speed camera. Maybe they should have elaborated on how he persuaded her to do this, but it's made clear she didn't knowingly become involved in the murder.

I admit I did have problems with the opacity of the mask! Were there tiny little holes for the eyes? If you accept the premise that Columbo has incredible perception for details, plus years of experience, then it is totally plausible that he could deduce a mask was being worn. I'm sure it's not the first time he's had to deal with murderers wearing masks.

I have to say as well that I don't think the new episodes of Columbo are any worse than the classics. Yes they maybe lack the charm of the originals, but they are definitely much less dated. I personally think the worst Columbos were the late 70s ones, where the episodes were long, drawn-out and lacking in drama. The newer episodes seemed to have a bit more edge and energy, despite Falk being over ten years older. Although twenty years old, this episode still feels fresh and contemporary.

Dabney Coleman is a great match for Falk, and at the end of the day the most important factor (IMO) for what makes a good Columbo is the interplay between the Lieutenant and the murderer. Dabney plays it cocky, stuck-up, self-important and continually putting on an act in front of Columbo. I love the scene where they find out about the speeding ticket and it looks like Columbo has lost. Dabney's character revels in embarrassing Columbo!

Finally, great to see Little Richard in there, the scenes where Columbo is pretending to be a small-time crook backstage are hilarious! Not quite as good as the episode with Rip Torn on the same DVD, but all in all a great episode.
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