Review of Hanger

Hanger (2009 Video)
12 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Ryan Nicholson's follow up to his cult hit Gutterballs concerns an 18 year old who was hideously scarred after being pulled from the vagina of his prostitute mother by her sadistic pimp. Leroy(Ronald Patrick Thompson)leaves his pregnant whore(played in an unflattering role by Debbie Rochon) lying on a bed in a pool of her own blood and dumps her offspring in a garbage can. Hanger(Nathan Dashwood), as he is affectionately labeled, is taken under the wing of his dead mother's former john(Dan Ellis)and given a job in a scrapyard where he forms a friendly bond with a chinaman, Russell(Wade Gibb). A wheezing freak named Phil(Alastair Gamble)also works at the scrapyard and he has hostile homosexual urges that will soon be met when he drugs Hanger and Russell, sodomizing them. There is also the daughter of the scrapyard owner, Nicole(the unbelievably hot Candice Lewald)who gets all hot and bothered when alone in his office. Meanwhile, we learn that the john who has removed Hanger from his squalidly existence is indeed his pops and vows to get even with Leroy for killing Rose(Rochon). Well, the humor is as crude as it gets and the movie puts major emphasis on unpleasant sexual content that may provide more discomfort than laughs, unless your tastes are of the lowest quality possible. There's, for instance, a scene where Phil "rods" the puss-oozing orifice in Hanger's hip shortly after anally raping Russell. Russell has an unsavory fetish for Nicole's tampons. Most of the characters are buried under heavy prosthetic make-up to look as ghastly and dysfunctional as possibly with personalities to match. Leroy, in particular, is a loathsome cretin who makes everyone's life miserable. Actually, no one in the film is of much worth, because even Hanger, an obvious victim of extraordinarily unfortunate circumstances, destroys a Jehovah's witness by tearing off her breasts and eating out her insides with his ferocious, badly mangled teeth. The photography and audio of the movie are of an inferior quality making Hanger look very reminiscent to a Henenlotter vehicle, except less funny and more obnoxious. Many of the cast members from Gutterballs return in Hanger, barely recognizable under their sickening disguises. Lots of fake penis and the fetus removal which produces the horrifying result of Hanger is shown in grisly, elaborate detail. Only for audiences whose demands for trash know no bounds.
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