Review of The Capture

The Capture (1950)
Interesting Adventure / Crime Drama with Noir Overtones
12 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Eleven years into his lengthy career (1938/9-1976) the great western director (Magnificent Seven, Bad Day at Black Rock) John Sturges was releasing four films per year. The Capture was one of his better 1950 products. Sturges was still searching for his niche, but he would find it later in the decade as the popularity of noir and other genres of the World War II era faded.

Although far from a straightforward western, The Capture is set in early 20th century Mexico and is a nice example of solid western storytelling by Niven Busch (The Postman Always Rings Twice). The lead character, a middle-management everyman (Lin Vanner) played by Lew Ayres, is a man running from his own self-doubt and an inexplicable guilt complex. Early in the film, he pursues and captures a man with an injured left arm who everybody believes to have been involved in a payroll robbery which resulted in the death of several security men. When the law comes to take this man into custody, he can not raise his left arm in surrender and is shot.

Vanner escapes to a remote Mexican village to resurrect his life, and finds himself investigating the incident that set him at odds with himself after falling in love with the alleged culprit's widow. Going any further with the narrative of this plot-heavy, thoughtful, film would be a spoiler, so I will stop here. I will only say that the film's rather abrupt ending is worth the wait.

Although The Capture's morality is rather heavy-handed for a western, this relatively dark film successfully explores psychological reality, conscience and the unpredictability of life in a way that would do most of the noir directors of the 40s and early 50s proud.

Ayres and the female lead, Theresa Wright, do solid work in what must have been a tough, low-budget production schedule. And Sturges' direction and cinematography, though not particularly innovative, are entirely mature. Sturges shows what a good director can do with quality material and the right cast. And as his career developed, he eventually found his niche in films which are often seen today as landmarks of the western genre. The Capture foreshadows Sturges' classics nicely.
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