Like crossing the road. Just stop, look and listen to this documentary....
4 April 2010
Lifting the lid on another world; a gentler, kinder, calmer, slower, less consuming world which a number of us caught in our own wee rutted worlds love to hear about. Documentary mode worked well - the focus on "the man of the house" was evident but fantastically accompanied, and clearly made possible by, his stoic wife and his delightfully ALIVE kids. Most poetic part of the film is the metaphor-making moment when the son falls from a horse (which looks massive compared to the wee fella!). He stamps his feet in anger/frustration in the sand.... and then climbs back on the horse (helped by his Dad). Classic. A gentler, simpler time for us all to be reminded of. Happiness doesn't live in long-life cartons down aisle 4 of the supermarket; nor does it come with a 3 pin plug and only in need of 240volts!! My wife loved the horse/rider scenes in the water and the swimming/jumping off rocks with the kids - I thought the naked scenes were a tad gratuitous/sensational (perhaps some jealousy on my part I am prepared to admit !) I don't doubt it was absolutely natural, but it came across to me as a tad intrusive in that case. All up, a great reminder for us all of to take stock, consider our needs versus our manufactured/manipulated demands. A man who didn't even consider being afraid to share the simple truths of his feelings. Nice one.
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