A bit of a mixed bag, but still well worth seeing....
6 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
W.C. Fields' films are a mixed bag. When they are great, they are among the funniest films made. Despite having seen "It's a Gift", "The Bank Dick" and "You're Telling Me" several times each, I still enjoy seeing them again as they are almost perfect comedies. However, Fields also made a lot of middle of the road films--mostly because the films were bogged down by too much plot and too much sentimentality. "The Old Fashioned Way" manages to have a bit too much plot and a bit too much sentimentality but it still manages to work...despite being a bit of a mixed bag.

This movie finds Fields as a cheap traveling showman--a very familiar plot for him. He's 'The Great McGonigle'--the leader of a traveling troop of not particularly talented actors who always seem to be just a few steps ahead of the law and creditors. Too much of the film concerns the troop and their lame performances. However, there also is a lot to like. First, while it seems to have nothing to do with the rest of the film, Fields put on a wonderful show towards the end of the film when he entertains the audience with juggling. While there are certainly better jugglers in the world, he was certainly no slouch! And, seeing an accomplished actor like Fields showing such dexterity and grace is quite entertaining. He apparently was quite the juggler in his vaudeville days, yet here in his 50s he's amazing spry! Second, while there is a lot of sentiment (yeck), the sentimentality is handled well--especially at the end when McGonigle makes a bit sacrifice for his daughter's future (the same ending, by the way, in his film "Poppy"--where he plays 'Professor McGargle').

Overall, while it's not as funny as Field's best and there is perhaps too much plot, the film is still a gem for anyone liking W.C. Fields films.
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