Review of Gunless

Gunless (2010)
Good light-hearted comedy
2 May 2010
My wife and I just caught this movie in the theatre and we both found it an enjoyable light-hearted western/comedy. To those who have never heard of a Canadian "western," you must be very young because there have been a few, mostly Hollywood, and involving Mounties, but also some home-grown ones, though these never made it to the big screen.

But I digress. This movie is one of good clean fun which the whole family can enjoy. Perhaps this is one of the real complaints for those who compare it to a CBS movie - no gratuitous sex, violence or foul language. If you are going looking for these elements you'll be sorely disappointed. It does make a political statement regarding some differences between Canadians and Americans, and against handguns (though thankfully doesn't group shotguns and rifles into the same category). However, overall, the production values are quite high, especially for a low-budget movie - something I think many people tend to forget - and certainly compared to a CBS movie-of-the-week special. You can't even pay the salary of a lead Hollywood actor for $10 million.

Generally this movie should appeal to those who go in with realistic expectations, and of course fans of Paul Gross. Oh, and watch the credits for a time before you leave the theatre.
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