Worried About the Boy (2010 TV Movie)
great performances, music, and visuals.
17 May 2010
I was born in 1991, so i missed out on the 80's, which really frustrates me, because i really wish i could have been part of it. I felt like i kind of was watching this, i thought it captured essences of it really well. Although i wasn't around for the 80's, i know a lot of my stuff about the era, having listened to all the music and loved it, and watched many things. I thought Douglas Booth did a fantastic job playing the role of George. He made it extremely moving to watch, and i cannot believe he is only 17. He really demonstrated his wonderful talent, and will no doubt have a very successful career. Mark Gatiss was another performance that was just basically outstanding, playing the role of Malcolm Mclaren, he was brilliant, i thought he had him down to a tee, he really showed a lot of his characteristics. Then again, i have always found him to be a great character actor. Mat Horne playing Jon moss, i thought was an interesting choice, but i thought he carried it off brilliantly. And i can't forget Marc Warren as Steve Strange. Imspired. He was amazing. The music was used in a very clever way during this programme, not just a load of well known 80s tracks thrown in for good measure, like most 80s programmes we see nowadays. I think every track was so appropriate to the scene it was used in. Also, i was very surprised to hear 'Hiroshima mon amour' playing in the opening titles, it was great. Overall, i thought the visuals were fantastic. The Blitz club sequences were ace, and the outfits were very 80s (and it really is all coming back). I thought this programme was a refreshing TV experience, and i myself, thoroughly enjoyed it. It was funny, yet really moving. All in all a great show.
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