Nostalgia Critic (2007– )
He remembers it so you don't have to
24 May 2010
What makes a web series about a man in his twenties mostly reviewing films and television programmes from the 80's and 90's well if you haven't seen any of them I would highly recommend it. Most of the films featured like Garbage Pail Kids and Batman and Robin for example are of course awful and the way in which these films are lampooned is simply brilliant. He picks out the stupid plot holes cringe-worthy characters and downright idiocy of a host of films. These are of course over the top reviews as no one would really take the film that seriously but that what makes it so funny, anyone would be able to rant at these abominations. It does take another thing to make clever jokes about the film exposing them brilliantly, even spotting some aspects that seem obvious at the time but somehow I missed out. There are some recurring gags and guest appearances to add to the fun. The M.Bison 'of course' gag looking at the ever present villain aim of taking over the world as just one example. Not only this but he makes Top 11 lists with the some of the more notable nostalgic moments including scariest moments, saddest moments, villains, theme songs and my personal favourite villain songs. Also note the Old vs New episodes where he makes a comparison between something old and nostalgic over a new adaptation. These are perhaps the weakest in my opinion with the exception of the Batman vs The Dark Knight I just don't think they are as funny as they could be. They are still good but it just my personal opinion that they don't capture the humour in the same way. Don't let that put you off they are still good.

Notable reviews

Batman and Robin- We all know its awful but I expressed even more disgust at this film after this review. I think Joel Schumacher should be made to watch it as it highlights the stupidity of the film such as the constant ice puns very well.

Pokemon: The First Movie- Although not very nostalgic to the critic himself due to the fact he did not grow up with the show he shames the film for its hypocritical message bland characters and lack of explanation. As someone who was exactly the right age at its peak of popularity I found this hilarious and it allowed myself to reflect on the why exactly I liked it so much, I'm still not sure why.

Any review of an Arnold Schwarzenegger film- in every single one of them he just about sums up why we watch his films and what makes them sort of enjoyable even if they are bad.

Alone in the Dark- he gets help on this film from two colleagues because he lost his voice and the fact that it would probably take more than one person to properly slate this piece of absolute trash.

I could go on but I can only really scratch the surface in one review as to what these are like. I would highly recommend them if you are in your twenties or late teens or if you simply love seeing (mostly) terrible films get the treatment they deserve.
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