Antychryst (2002)
Effective Short Worth Watching
2 June 2010
Antychryst (2002)

*** (out of 4)

Polish film about four young boys playing in a pit mine with the oldest one constantly pushing the other three to try daring things. At first these stunts start off as harmless fun but soon it appears that the oldest kid might be the antichrist forcing them to do much dangerous things. This film runs 27-minutes and for the most part it's a real winner. What I enjoyed best was the actual setting of the pit mine, which gave the film a rather creepy atmosphere and a certain loneliness that really comes across well. I thought director Gunzinski handled the material extremely well as we're constantly left wondering if this kid is just nuts or if perhaps he really is the antichrist. I thought the director did a very good job at keeping the viewer off guard as to his identity but also to the nature of the games going on. Some of the games are silly but others are a bit more dangerous including one sequence where the boys catch some fish and slap them around before killing them. The young actors are all good in their roles and we get an extremely effective music score by Guzinski.
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