Anna Christie (II) (1930)
A little better than the English language version.
3 June 2010
a while back, I saw the English language version of "Anna Christie" and mildly enjoyed it. While not bowled over it, it was better than the earlier Blanche Sweet version. And, when I found out that there was yet another version--ALSO starring Greta Garbo, I was intrigued but had a hard time finding it. Fortunately, Turner Classic Movies recently showed this German language version and I found it was a bit better than the English language one.

First, some background about the German language version. I don't say "German version" because this one was actually made in the USA by MGM. Why would MGM do this--using the same leading lady?! Well, it seems that once the studios switched to sound, they missed all the money they'd made in foreign sales and tried something very radical. Instead of using subtitles or re-dubbing the film, MGM actually made multiple versions of its most popular stars' films. Aside from this Garbo version, MGM made many Laurel Hardy in Italian, Spanish, French and German! And, like the Garbo film, these other versions were quite different from the American versions--with mostly foreign language-speaking supporting actors filling in for the normal supporting actors! So why did I like it more than Garbo's other "Anna Christie"? Well, the story was close but I noticed two main differences. First, because German standards and morality were different from that in the States, the German version is much more explicit in saying that Anna had worked in a brothel, though this word and the word 'prostitute' were still not used. In the regular American version, this was much, much more vague--and made the story seem a bit silly. The German version explains a lot and makes more sense. Second, while I adore the films of Marie Dressler, she was NOT a positive addition to the English language version, as she played the part a bit broader--more for laughs. And, considering how serious the story is, this seemed out of place.
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