24 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Some of the scariest bits on TV were delivered by Karl Kolchak for us. "THe Vampire" was one of the best non-Dracula vampire stories ever shown on television. This is the scenario: a victim of the vampire Janos Skozeny was never found and destroyed by Las Vages police. After some earth is moved by heavy equipment, she claws her way out of the dirt and frightens a woman. She makes her way to Los Angeles and gets a job as a high priced hooker. As a call girl, she wear huge amounts of pancake and rouge. She kills the sister and her sister's boyfriend, and then wreaks havoc on the Los Angeles's Rams offensive line. Kolchak arrives in time to get bit, but he shows her a cross and she cowers away. Of course, Kolchak has to dispatch the vampire without the help of skeptical police (Kolchak, people disappear every day, is Amelia Earhardt supposed to show up as a vampire?) This female vampire is the scariest, vicious, feral lady vampire this side of the Borgo Pass. Even Drac would not want to be on her bad side. Other memorable episodes are Jack the Ripper, RING, the alien, the headless motorcyclist, the immortal, the witch, the goddess, the satanic politician (not a redundancy) and the rakshasa. The best horror serial of TV. Comparable to the movie. Kolchak in Vincenzo are in Chicago for the series, having been driven out of Vegas by the authorities who knew that Kolchak killed the vampire Skorzeny.
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