The title says it all except the film is great deal of fun.
4 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this at the world premiere at the New York Asian Film Festival and it was a great deal of fun. Its a film where the title tells the whole story and if you're good with that you'll have a great time.

The plot of the film has a fireball fall to earth "several hundred years ago"(nudge nudge). In it are some aliens which go about tearing up the villages. Into the mix are a bunch of ninja who stumble upon the creatures and decide to take them on. Thats it.

This is a very knowing, very bloody, very fun film that doesn't try to do anything other than entertain. Most of the effects are very good, though the monsters are very much men in suits, which is fine. I mean they aren't reinventing the wheel just trying to have a good time.

High art its not. High fun it is.

Crack open a cool one, get some popcorn and some friends and enjoy.
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