Dope Sick Love (2005 TV Movie)
Cinema verite on drug addiction:
6 July 2010
I will use the words drug addiction, because this is the operative life style exposed in a overt representation on four beautiful human beings lost in hardcore drug addiction. I was disgusted seeing the first viewing; because I am a recovery addict. I have lived aspects of this life style, so I know the pain and suffering these individuals struggled with on a daily basis. Hustle for the drug; or give the drugs up. It is easier said than done. Most people are brainwashed to scapegoat drug addicts. This has been done for a long as demon drugs(cocaine/crack; heroine; speed) are viewed as the problem: once you try it you cant stop. This is a lie, and scientifically proved by many scientists. People are either prone towards addiction or they are not. If you were raised in a loving fashion by caring individuals, there is no way you will ensconce yourself in an existence of drug dependency; such as the brave characters filmed in this awesome movie. One may be genetically predisposed, but this is another fallacy. If you were loved and validated as the unique person you were in your formative years or ''upbringing'', it doesn't matter if you have those addictive genes, environmentally, you will not be drawn to this life style, and if you were; I believe there is a very slim chance you will be come a drug addict. Why would you want to abuse yourself and suffer. It makes no sense to an intelligent being! My theory is: if you studied those individuals depicted in this harrowing account of crack/heroine addiction, I'm certain you will find not one of those people were loved, validated, or acknowledged for who they were, while they were raised. If you look close, I'm certain you will find abuse to some degree unresolved; this is why they became addicts. Personal & societal dislocation with no psychosocial integration!
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