China Bows for Gregory Peck
6 July 2010
In a flashback to his boyhood (as Roddy McDowall), priestly Gregory Peck (as Francis Chisholm) is orphaned when his parents die in a storm, after they are ostracized for being Catholic. The boy goes to live with in-laws, and eventually falls in love with pretty cousin Jane Ball (as Nora). Alas, she leaves after becoming pregnant and unable to name the baby's father. Mr. Peck makes friends with atheist doctor Thomas Mitchell (as Willie Tulloch). For the bulk of the film, Peck leaves to convert people in China to Christianity.

As a missionary, Peck saves lives, survives icy Reverend Mother Rose Stradner (as Maria-Veronica), and witnesses Chinese warfare. He finds a partner in Christ-conscious local Benson Fong (as Joseph). Holy men Vincent Price, Edmund Gwenn, Cedric Hardwicke, and James Gleason come and go. "The Keys of the Kingdom" started Peck's career off on a high note, but it doesn't unlock many doors. Most notably, the film openly suggests God may not sentence nice non-Christians to eternal damnation. Very comforting.

****** The Keys of the Kingdom (12/15/44) John M. Stahl ~ Gregory Peck, Benson Fong, Rose Stradner, Thomas Mitchell
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