Review of Moon

Moon (2009)
A wonderfully suspenseful film throughout.
9 July 2010
Pros: This film, being the directorial debut for Duncan Jones, is pretty solid. The film explores the theme of solitude, as well as life. What kind of life is important? Are clones considered human beings? Or are they considered property? Experiments? Are their lives important? Sam Rockwell does a great job at making his character interesting and at making us care about his character and the situation/dilemma he's in. The film also makes a great job at being suspenseful; the film's suspenseful throughout its entirety. Sam's smiley-faced robot companion, and only companion on the Moon, GERTY (the acronym isn't explained in the film), voiced by the amazing Kevin Spacey, is very suspicious. However, what robot isn't suspicious in any science-fiction film? I'm glad Duncan Jones didn't make GERTY into a cliché robot persona.

Cons: Some may find the movie completely boring and stupid. It all depends on how you view the film. I like the suspense, and one-man-show, and the eerie setting. The film is long for having just one actor on screen the entire time, but the suspense made the length of the film not a problem to me.
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