Review of Wicked Lake

Wicked Lake (2008)
Well "shot"
23 August 2010
I didn't know much about the movie, before I watched it, expecting the usual horror fare with a predictable plot. While it isn't exactly how I expected it, it's still pretty predictable ... At least with the Director's Cut of the movie ... which in this case is much shorter than the actual cut of the movie.

And without having seen the "normal" cut of the movie, I guess this is the better cut, but that's me. While I thought it was a nice spin on a well known story (even if you can guess where this is leading too), what really let's down the movie is the acting (and the script of course). The effects are OK and the movie does look quite good for a low budget movie (saw the DVD on a plasma and it really lived up to it). But again, if there is not that much substance behind it, it kinda tends to get dreadful. Which happened here quite a few times ...
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