Review of Power

Smallville: Power (2009)
Season 8, Episode 13
Re-exploring Lana and Clark relationship
28 August 2010
From all of my readings on the fan message boards, this was an extremely controversial episode, due to the fact that the writers are once again exploring the Clark-Lana relationship. This time, it's being done through a portrayal of Lana's serach for Lex Luthor's and possible revenge, versus the truth that Lana wants to hold the same powers as Clark to do equally good in the world. I, myself, feel that though exploring that relationship is beating an old horse to death, there are some added interesting elements this time that didn't exist when Clark and Lana were portrayed in being together before- particularly the third point of the triange in Lois Lane. There's also the mystery of knowing if Lana truly did acquire these powers through "Project Promethus" only to improve herself invincible and save the world, or if she will use the powers to avenge Lex's wrongdoings. It's good to see that a particular season can't truly be judged on one episode however, because despite common dislike of the episode, the plot did reveal a side of Lana not yet seen that may have not been explored before.
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