Gunless (2010)
12 September 2010
recently, I grabbed few low-budget westerns to watch on my DVD during the weekend. (I have reviewed one of them, 6 Guns, that was pretty bad, and I didn't even bother to review the second one, so awful it was) So you can guess that i didn't have high expectation for this one. Especially if you add the fact that movie is Canadian, and I didn't really know Canadians do westerns too.

Now boy, was I wrong to look at the film with a wrong eye.

From the first shots till the end, the movie proved to be fun. There was this specific Canadian humor I guess, which I understood perfectly (Being non Canadian and even non American at all), because it was delivered very well by very talented actors.

Speaking about actors. I can say for sure that for a long time I never saw such a good acting in low budget movies.

God... Russel Crowey gets millions of salary for ruining the epic legends (yeah, I mean Robin Hood parody he did), while these guys delivering much more fun gain ten times less.

Action scenes were shot well, camera work was good and lightning and the editing caused no questions.

Of course you feel all the way through the film that this is low budget, but it adds to the charm.

9 out 10...
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