True to the title - Think about those Blessed and Cursed
28 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
When 1st looking at this title I was unsure of what to think. First I thought maybe this is like one of those addict movies, someone sees the dark side and then is blessed to see some shard of light. This new movie hit me with a pleasant surprised, truly seeking to shine and share "blessings" of God. Probably the biggest surprise surrounds the fact that this is not the typical, run-of-the-mill Hollywood flick, that always seems the neglect or even reject the reality of God within life. Yes, one rarely sees true "devout" love-for-God spirituality in movies.

This movie runs against the Hollywood grain with characters who love and try to serve God in their lives. And Blessed and Cursed shows this through the representative theme of Praise through an artist and music. One of the biggest themes - shown a few times - is how great artists "lose the self" to let the Spirit fill the artist and all around. This power of the Spirit is really behind the major Christian movement in the U.S. today, where music, esp. modern contemporary music plays such a vital role. (Beyond church, earlier African-American praise for God can be traced to the roots of jazz and hip-hop today.) The main character is a true artist, composing and sharing inspirational music. As an artist myself, this is an major theme. Some may think this is Christian movie, and yes it is; however, a lot surrounds a talented artist who God blesses as a "instrument" of INspiration. In a few weeks I get to again visit a masterpiece by Michelangelo in the Sistine Chapel. I am not Catholic or would even call myself Christian, yet Michelangelo (like all Master Artists) presents an eternal perspective. It is like the heavens open up when you stare into this art. Few know that Michelangelo painted his self portrait; his flesh is like a tattered garment being upheld by a Saint. It was laborious work serving God to paint the ceiling of this Vatican Chapel.

I gave 8 stars based on the above comments. On the negative, it was a bit hard connecting the opening scene to suddenly jumping 16 years to the future when the main character is grown. The "Curse" may be less clear for some. except for the main test (an apparent curse) after the death of the Mother. Maybe the constant saying "It's God's Will" might have been resolved better. The handling of "material blessings" by the men of God could be better resolved. Jesus did say that it is very very hard for the rich to get into heaven. The Judas-like character was a nice integration. And the ending was good where this '#1 in the charts Christian Rock Star humbly uses music to move everybody, especially the "Elected Presiding Bishop" who had his own materialistic issues to deal with.

Thanks for this movie, a pleasant change from the 5-6 or even 7 star Hollywood productions. Yes spread the Rock Star energies of God.
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