My Generation (2010–2011)
My Generation Is TRULY something for this generation
29 September 2010
My Generation is a completely fresh and original idea that does more than deliver a story...It delivers a sad truth. This show is Based on the lives of 9 people who all graduated in 2000 and were picked to film their graduation and talk about what their future goals were. The age old "where do you see yourself in 10 years"? And from there the show delivers the classic stereotypes, one wants to be an actress, one a scientist, another a pro athlete, and yet another wants to be a family man...

Then from there the show fast forwards 10 years and starts showing what all these people are ACTUALLY doing...with not so surprising results...and I think this is where the show TRULY delivers.

I graduated in 2004 but I started high school in 2000 as a Freshman. I remember being asked the same question by so many people "where do you see yourself in X many years". And I always gave the same answer...I wanted to be an actor. Lucky for me, I haven't given up on my dream...I am living in LA trying to act and, although its a major struggle, its completely worth it. But I had so many friends who, when asked that same question, gave equally stunning answers...doctors, lawyers, teachers, musicians...and the sad truth is that I don't keep in touch with any of my friends from high school because none of them went on to do any of those things...

Relating this back to the show...this is what we, as viewers, are presented with; a broken circle of friendships derived from the lack of people following their dreams. We are thrust in to this circle where we sit and watch as awkwardly, by several different turn of events, this group is brought back together and they are forced to face the reality that High school is a safety net...a place where heads are filled with false promises and dreams are exploited.

To the people who are watching this show and rating it such low scores, are you really that out of touch with life? Do you not see that our world is not a happy place? REAL people's stories don't get wrapped up in hour long episodes...REAL events don't always have happy endings...this show is trying something different and I think it should be praised for that. For My own generation...this show is about as real as it gets...however sad that might be.
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