Review of Milf

Milf (2010 Video)
18 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I agree with the previous reviewer.

This flick is another lame excuse to produce something bordering on hardcore, without going so far as to show private parts while having sex. There is lots of partial frontal nudity, and full frontal on a couple of occasions.

Once again, we are facing a story written about a bunch of stupid college nerds, whose sole interest seems to be getting laid. Ninety percent of the conversations between these idiots was just that, and they discover, of course, that older ladies are willing teachers/partners. Nothing wrong with a nude older woman, mother of your best friend, who likes you and befriends you to the point of taking you to her bed and wanting a prolonged relationship - OK, maybe not quite moral but not unusual. But, where is the lesson to be learned here? This is precisely the point. I was looking for the moral, lesson, punch-line, what-have-you, in this story. I couldn't find any. The final bit ends on a bittersweet note, that your friend's mom realizes the relationship will not last because of the age difference, and the impact it would have on your friendship with her son, who by this time, has already accepted and forgiven you, by the way, even encouraged you to continue (better you than some unknown jackass, right? - or something like that)- of course, why wouldn't he? he's also doing your mother. But then, just as you thought things would end there, your friend's mom arranges another secret rendezvous with you to continue the affair. Still, no lessons to be learned here either.

What then is it? That older women should be preferred over their younger counterparts? That they know more, are better lovers, are even more beautiful with their voluptuous curves? Heck, I knew that when I was barely 8 years old - discovered it on my own. It was the beginning of a long schooling on understanding women's anatomy and how they need to be touched and loved. Now if you wanted to make a soft-core teaching those things, which many don't seem to know, well then, you may have something. But no, not with 'Milf'.

I also take strong exception to the use of such a vulgar word as title to a movie, which would force even unknowing movie goers to wonder what that means, kids included. Making women appear shameful and dirty isn't exactly a lesson anyone needs to learn or see. Life will take care of that on its own.

If I wanted to view such trash, I'd rent a porn. Lots of milf porn around which is certainly better than this, if milfs are what you want to see.
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