Welcome back Disney we really missed ya!
24 October 2010
"Disney" is a name that fills people with the happiness of childhood. Scratch that. They used to fill us with happiness. In the early days we met Micky, Minny, Goofy, Donald, Snow White, Pinocchio, and many other characters. Then a time came that "Disney" started losing its status. Then in the the late 1980's Disney started a come back resulting in Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, Lion King, Huchback, Mulan, and more in just a decade. "Disney had once again become a symbol of excellence in animation again. Unfortunately the next decade would be that of corruption. In the 2000's "Disney" didn't release many 2-D animated films. I loved "Lilo and Stich", and "Emporer's New Groove" was very funny, but other than that the 2000's had very little to offer from "Disney". Instead of releasing great 2-D animated films they relied on several things to keep the company alive.

1.Disney World-Of course

2.The Disney Channel/Awful Music Stars-Extremely unfunny shows, awful singers, and terrible shows about the singers.

3."Pixar"-An extremely creative company that does all the work on their masterpieces. Then "Disney" comes along to take the movie to theaters, stamps its name on it, and takes part of the profit.

They went from makers of such classics to sell-outs. The only time I would feel happy to see something "Disney" related would be either classics from the good days or something from "Pixar". Now I am happy to say that there are some people left at "Disney" with enough passion in their heart to stop being lazy, and make another movie to be called classic. Here it is, and while it doesn't make up completely for how they have betrayed us it still is a deep breath a fresh air helping those poisoned lungs. First thing to say is that I love the setting of story. It was about time they added a bit of chocolate to the cracker if you know what I'm saying. The setting of New Orleans in the Deppression Era is filled with life. This brings me to the music which is very diverse for "Disney". The farthest I have seen Disney go into different forms of music in their musicals is reggae in "The Little Mermaid" . Here we have jazz, ragtime, and country which is something that "Disney" musicals has't gotten into. As for the song themselves they are wonderful. The two I would like to pick out are "Almost There" and "Freinds on the Other Side". "Almost There" is an excellent song showing the feelings of a person in the Deppression who feels like their almost at their dreams. The animation in the song sequence is wonderful, and it looks like the cover a jazz album coming to life. Then we have my favorite. "Friend on the Other Side" is a brilliant villain song that is one of the best of the decade. I love how charismatic, and cool it is. The animation in the sequence is gorgeous, and filled with strange images. That leads me to the absolute best part about this thing. The Shadowman. I absolutely adore everything about the character. His image, his charisma, his song, his voice actor. He is awesome, and in my opinion one of the best "Disney" villains. Is this film perfect? No. One of the things I didn't like was how cliché it was. "Disney" wanted to make it give the audience the same kind of feel to it that the classics had, but I think I have seen a midnight time limit a bit to many times. Also I felt the romance was too sporadic. It's like one second they hate each other, and the next the "Disney" love train is on the way. Personally I liked the scenes where they were arguing or just having some witty comebacks at each other more than the romantic stuff. Overall though it is a breath of fresh air, and now that Miley is gone I think this the start of a new era for "Disney". A good era.

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