An eye opening film
10 November 2010
Looking at a 1976 film changes ones perspective about the world. Looking at the coal miner's plight in 1976 changes my perspective about their job. I never thought about a coal miner as a hero...I do today. They have suffered brutality, poor working conditions (mines used to be 42 in high), poor pay and frequent cave-ins. Estimated 1,000 men died annually from just entering or leaving a mine! I am impressed that this film made it to the world with the mine owners brute force mentality; I was surprised that they didn't go after the videographer. This is a great film, well filmed and the content is an education. I understand it got an Oscar...I hope I understood that right because it deserved it! Anyone in the mining business definitely SHOULD watch this film. Anyone under 50 SHOULD watch this film. Everyone alive SHOULD watch this film to understand where we came from, what it WAS like and how safety conditions have advanced and what else can be done in FUTURE. TWO THUMBS UP !!!
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