Not original but well done pleasant viewing
28 November 2010
This was a feature film of the screwball comedy variety produced by Hal Roach studios. As others have said, the plot bears a striking resemblance to "My Man Godfrey", but with enough changes in the plot to make it worth watching. Dizzy but well-meaning socialite Emily Kilbourne (Billie Burke) has a mission in life in trying to reform Depression era "forgotten men". However, all of them so far have managed to violate her trust by running off with some of the family's valuable possessions in the middle of the night. Shabbily dressed Wade Rawlins (Brian Aherne), whose car has just rolled backwards of a cliff, shows up at the Kilbourne estate just wanting to use the phone but ends up Mrs. Kilbourne's latest project. Before he can protest or explain his situation, she makes him a sandwich and makes him the chauffeur. However, this guy is not your typical tramp as he is quite articulate and well mannered. Emily's oldest daughter Jerry (Constance Bennett) first dislikes Rawlins as she feels he is just using her mother like the others, but later she finds herself falling for him as he earns her trust and her friendship.

Unlike "My Man Godfrey" there is no evil member of the Kilbourne family trying to set up or blackmail Rawlins in order to get rid of him and Rawlins seems to have no inner demons as did Godfrey. Instead Rawlins has the upper hand in every situation and seems to be enjoying the show that is the dysfunctional Kilbourne family. Plus the audience is as clueless as the Kilbournes as to who Rawlins' true identity is up to the last five minutes or so. However, it does seem strange that no member of the family ever wonders what this guy's story really is enough to look into it or even question him about it.

Since this is a Hal Roach production, there is plenty of slapstick and sight gags, including a running gag of the dinner chimes that keep falling apart every time the butler rings them and the family trying to use ladles as eating utensils after Rawlins' predecessor has run off with the family silverware.

If you have 90 minutes to kill and want to watch a movie that's lots of fun and has little conflict and no bad guys, I'd recommend this one.
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