Mutants (2009)
nicely shot, but unsatisfying plot
20 December 2010
Mutants starts off with some promise, a French take on 28 days later - complete with shaky cam action sequences - set in a desolate Alpine region. The cinematography is well-done with gorgeous establishing shots (usually a dead-giveaway, when missing, that you're watching a cheapo, low budget horror film), competent realistic sets and make-up, good use of atmospherics in the soundtrack. All in all a solid production.

But unfortunately, very little thought appears to have been given to the actual plot. The actions taken by the main characters make no sense given their circumstances, and it becomes very hard to remain invested in their fates when they take decisions that seem ridiculous. The pacing of the film is also off.

Horror movies always place characters in absurd, perhaps preposterous situations. A good horror movie has the protagonists react to their circumstances in a way that makes sense and the viewer can relate to. Unfortunately such movies are few and far between, and this is not one of them.
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