Ice Twisters (2009 TV Movie)
The Epitome of Bad Acting: Mark Moses
26 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Warning: This is not a review of the movie, it's more like a complaint of just how bad Hollywood can pick it's actors.

I really could have handled the mediocre CGI effects, the HIGHLY unrealistic plots. Really, it's almost expected in a disaster movie that something's bound to be off. I've never heard/seen any that have been perfect. But my dear god, what made me want to hit my head against a wall was Mark Moses's acting. I don't know if he took his role as a know-it-all science fiction author a little too far or something, but this was really the worst acting I've seen, hands down.


When Charlie Price's (played by Mark Moses) daughter dies, he just stands there. No sign of the world crashing down on him. Nope, this dude just throws his jacket over her and proceeds to "comfort" his devastated love interest. Even Joane (Camille Sullivan) shows more grief for his daughter than he does. The only thing he does is cover his face, probably to hide his embarrassment at how bad he was acting.


Like a fellow reviewer m-qasimraza said, I also went on here just to write this, going through the trouble of finding out my lost password just to log into IMDb. The movie could have easily been OK, no other worries/complaints than what other disaster movies do, but this guy just topped it.

Honestly, the movie is watchable. Just slap your hand over Mark Moses's face on the screen and mute the sound every time he appears and you'll be good to go. I really hope, for the sake of all the TV shows he's apparently made an appearance on, that he'll improve his acting skills. *SPOILER* Oh, and pretend you believe that satellites up in space can be hacked and controlled into heating up the Earth in a matter of hours. *END SPOILER*

POST-NOTE: Ryan Kennedy's acting was a temporary relief from Moses. He was good. Seriously, I don't know how he managed it when his character was doing pretty crazy, unrealistic stuff, but props for achieving that.
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