A lay mans observation of global warming...
25 January 2011
I've always said there is no such thing as global warming! Do you think that after millions of years this planet earth is has never seen hot weather? I remember back in the 1950s the weather was twice as hot as it's been in the 2000s and I mean hot not just 100%, My brother and I used to to peal the skin off our backs it one big sheet, and that was just one day on the beach in the sun. This weather is just a cycle the world goes through the same as the ice age the stone age etc,etc, You don't hear people in Arizona or Las Vegas make comments on global warming, in fact they laugh at the suggestion...So we get summers in the 80% and maybe if we are lucky 100%, Christ almighty they have 130% every day in Las Vegas!! and that is normal for them. What would they say if it was 140%? Global Warming? I think not...Global warming is just an excuse for Goverments and certain people to make money out of stupid people like us... There are scientists who will tell you, the is no such thing as Global warming, It is just a progression that the earth goes through and has gone through for million of years, so write to you goverments and tell them you do not like to be treated like imbeciles before it goes the whole 9 yards and becomes acceptable. Who invented the term Global warming? Not you, not I, and not the scientists who say it's not happening...But your politicians who screw you for everything they can get out of you!! Stand up and be counted show them your not a fool or an idiot...
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