In some ways, very well made....but also dreadful story-telling!
6 February 2011
Boy, did I hate watching this film. Now it wasn't because I dislike the music of Strauss--it's very nice. But the movie isn't really a movie at all, but a HUGE showcase for LOTS of his music--and often its sung to in an operetta-like way. Frankly, there was way too much of this and not enough story and the result is an amazingly dull film. In many ways, it reminds me of making a meal out of wax fruit--it LOOKS nice but is not the least bit satisfying. Now this problem was heightened by the bad casting decisions. The film is, for the most part, made up of nobodies--people with no particular acting ability but who looked nice in nice clothes and could sing. The only big name in the film is poor little Luise Rainer--who seemed totally lost. She wasn't a singer and her part was completely undeveloped. And, there was also Hugh Herbert--a guy who seemed to have absolutely no reason for being in this film, as his style and this film are polar opposites.

By advice is buy a CD of Strauss' music or listen to some on Rhapsody and then watch a GOOD film--one with a plot. Also, with parts like this, I could certainly understand the two-time Oscar winner, Rainer, retiring soon after making this film.
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