Think Charade meets The Matrix in 2011
19 February 2011
The Adjustment Bureau

Think a scripted blending of "Charade" (1963) meets "The Matrix" (1999), and you have an idea of the plot that is the basis for "The Adjustment Bureau." (2011) All three films revolve around romance, suspense and a heightened sense of place. In "The Adjustment Bureau" New York City is almost a third character, and spotting cameo appearances by East coast media elites (past and present) is a side game. Humor is also an element of this story, although it sometimes undercuts the power of the suspense and romance that I imagine is the film's intended tone.

There are engaging performances to recommend the film, such as those by stars Matt Damon and Emily Blunt; as well as supporting actors Anthony Mackie, John Slattery, and the ever dangerously sexy Terrence Stamp.

All the witty repartee between characters, the striking views of New York City, and the driving pulse of the soundtrack make "The Adjustment Bureau" an entertaining film, but not so well pulled together that it demands great thought and consideration after the screening is over.
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